Sagen Inc. has added the SagenSaw II – same rugged tool with a longer blade and larger bumper; specifically designed to field dress the largest game such as moose, elk, large deer, and grizzly bear.
30% Bigger, Longer & Stronger
The new SagenSaw II cuts through the pelvic and rib bones of moose, elk and large deer, and grizzly bear with ease.
Light weight and easy to carry, the SagenSaw II is the perfect accessory for big game hunters.
The bright yellow handle stands out in tall grass and brush.

Made in the USA.
Sagen Saw II Brystbensag Magnum
For sikker og enkel bearbeiding i felten. Med stopp (hindrer sagbladet i å skli ut av skjærekanalen). Sagblad laget av herdet båndsagstål. T-håndtak for godt grep. Med beltehylster for sikker transport. Lengde (sagblad): 8 cm